Track and improve your podcast reviews.

Ratings Catcher monitors and collects podcast reviews from all over the web, helping you increase listeners and improve ratings.

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Did you know you have to manually check 150+ Apple Podcasts/iTunes stores plus Stitcher & Podchaser to see all of your podcast reviews?

Fast and easy

Right now you're only seeing a fraction of your podcast reviews.

Apple Podcasts/iTunes only shows reviews from your own country in the Podcasts app, resulting in a partial snapshot of your actual listener feedback. We aggregate ratings from 150+ Apple Podcasts/iTunes countries (plus Stitcher & Podchaser!) into one intuitive dashboard.

Advanced Tools

Stay notified via multiple channels

Want to share podcast reviews with your team via Slack? Tweet positive reviews? Assign reviews via Hootsuite? Export reviews to CSV? Or just receive reviews in your email? You're covered.

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Embeddable Reviews

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“Review tracking with Ratings Catcher surfaced a critical bug with our in-app purchases, saving us countless dollars in the process.”

- Ross McNamara, founder of

Ready to track podcast reviews with Ratings Catcher?

Stitcher, Podchaser, & Apple Podcasts/iTunes tracking in every country

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